We ship worldwide.Shipping is already included in the total cost of the goods. You pay only for the goods and simply pick up the order at the office of the transport company.
Shipping is carried out using the transport companies PEK, Autotrading, TC "Kit", ZheldorEkspeditsiya, Baikal-Service, Delovye Linii or any other TC from your cities. These companies have proven themselves on the positive side. All orders are carefully packed in boxes and accompanied by a full package of documents.
After receiving money to the account, the goods are sent to pre-order and when the goods arrive at the warehouses, we inform you about the receipt of the goods and begin shipping to your address.
After shipping, we will send all receipt numbers, the address and phone number of the transport company where you will receive the goods.
Please note that shipping to the regions of Russia, carried out free of charge, is carried out by the transport company that is most convenient for our logistics service at the time of sending. We always try to take into account the wishes of our customers regarding transport companies, but the priority is always the speed and cost of sending for our delivery service.
Seller’s Information:Carry&go
Myrtenstrasse 8, 5737, Menziken
+41 78 840 54 93